Teaching Diversity

We obviously have a very diverse community. For example, in the Dalton Public Schools, there are students from 30 immigrant countries based on student records from last year: Mexico, Dominican Republic, Japan, El Salvador, Russia, Peru, Guatemala, Nepal, Costa Rica, Burma, Ethiopia, Philippines, Cuba, Vietnam, Iraq, China, Pakistan, Korea, South Africa, Honduras, Ghana, Syria, Egypt, Colombia, India, Chile, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Belize, and Great Britain. I’m sure that in the Whitfield County Schools there is also a variety of countries represented. These students from many different countries provide our children a wonderful opportunity to learn about diverse cultures, customs, and other ways of life; and what a powerful educational experience that is!

So… along with your child’s growing list of activities will also come a growing list of friends, many from different backgrounds. Children seek a sense of belonging and acceptance from peers, and these friendships are a vital part of their development. Learning to develop diverse friendships is important for later in life, as these connections provide the roadmap for future relationships, teaching children to resolve conflict, and get along with others. When children move beyond simply noticing the similarities and differences they share with others, they learn how such characteristics — and people’s attitudes about them — have the power to make them and others feel included or excluded.

“Peer relationships are paramount to children, and this is when you’ll either see the embracing of differences or separation and discrimination, depending on what they’ve been taught in the home,” says Roni Leiderman, Ph.D., dean of the Mailman Segal Center for Human Development at Nova Southeastern University This year marks the 50th anniversary of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964. In keeping with the law’s spirit, here are some tips to teach your children to embrace diversity:

Model it. Talking to your child about the importance of embracing differences and treating others with respect is essential, but it’s not enough. Your actions, both subtle and overt, are what your child will emulate.

Acknowledge difference. Rather than teaching children that we are all the same, acknowledge the many ways people are different, and emphasize some of the positive aspects of our differences — language diversity and various music and cooking styles, for example. Likewise, be honest about instances, historical and current, when people have been mistreated because of their differences. Encourage your child to talk about

what makes him or her different, and discuss ways that may have helped or hurt. After that, finding similarities becomes even more powerful, creating a sense of common ground.

Challenge intolerance. If your child says or does something indicating bias or prejudice, don’t meet the action with silence. Silence indicates acceptance, and a simple command — “Don’t say that” — is not enough. First try to find the root of the action or comment: “What made you say that about Sam?” Then, explain why the action or comment was unacceptable.

Seize teachable moments. Look for everyday activities that can serve as springboards for discussion. School-age children respond better to lessons that involve real-life examples than to artificial or staged discussions about issues. For example, if you’re watching TV together, talk about why certain groups often are portrayed in stereotypical roles.

Emphasize the positive. Just as you should challenge your child’s actions if they indicate bias or prejudice, it’s important to praise him for behaviors that show respect and empathy for others. Catch your child treating people kindly, let him or her know you noticed, and discuss why it’s a desirable behavior.

Embrace curiosity. Be careful not to ignore or discourage your youngster’s questions about differences among people, even if the questions make you uncomfortable. Not being open to such questions sends the message that difference is negative.

Foster pride. Talk to your child about your family heritage to encourage self-knowledge and a positive self-concept.

Lead by example. As parents, we are role models for our kids. Widen your own circle of friends and acquaintances to include people from different backgrounds, cultures and experiences.

For more information, you can go to www.tolerance.org.

Tom Bartley is a retired educator and currently works at the Family Support Council, 1529 Waring Rd., Dalton, GA 30721; fax # 706-275-6542; or bartley10@windstream.net. For a copy of this article and more information about The Family Support Council, visit www.familysupportcouncil.com.

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